Friday, May 25, 2012

A message to the world from the American people.

We, the American People, would like to let you know that we have no issue with any country on this planet. We are aware that our governments foreign policy is what is making our enemies by meddling in your countries business and bringing war on your people. We regret the action of our own government on you very much. We love our Country and despise our Government giving our Country a bad reputation around the world.

Unfortunately, many of our fellow countrymen have fallen victim of the propaganda fed to us by our news outlets, like Fox News and CNN and still think that our "National Defense" means going to other countries and fighting our "enemies" on their land. Those of us who see clearly know this is a lie and we are getting the message out (actually, I should say that Ron Paul is getting the message out and we are supporting him in his effort.) It is very difficult to separate truth from lies.

We wish you well. We the people, would desire to be partners in our mutual prosperity, peace and Liberty.

Our hope for you is that people will rise up in your Countries and be a art of the Liberty movement by running for political office and changing the policies for you country to give you maximum Liberty.

May God Bless all of us. We are brothers and sisters.